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The Book

Sai Baba and Aai

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Now available 

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This book is an account of the miracles and grace experienced by an intimate devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba, lovingly known as Aai to all.


Aai has had a connection with Sai Baba since the age of five through dreams and visions. He guided her and looked after her welfare through numerous difficult times.


Aai’s devotion to Baba and her faith in him is unshakable, and she puts him first before anything else. It is this that is what one should aspire to seek within oneself. A burning love for God, leaving everything else behind.


Her life situation has not been an easy one and there are many similarities to that of Baba’s traits. It is an absolute treasure for the sincere devotee of Sai Baba. 

Aai's Message

Aai's message to all devotees is that if one sincerely and completely surrenders to Baba, their wellbeing will be taken care of by Him. Aai only asks devotees to remember Him constantly, and put Him before anything else in ones life. Watch the interview below (with subtitles) where Aai shares her journey with Sai Baba.

Watch all of Aai & Masterjee's Experiences of Baba by clicking here.

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